
Showing posts from 2018

This is only the beginning PART 1

This is only the beginning     PART 1 For those of you who have read some of my previous posts or who follow me on my other social handles ( located at the end of this article ) I have been working a lot on my very own small business. And before I get asked this is not an MLM or otherwise owned/created this is a dream of my own and it's a one woman show with no one telling me what to make or how to "sell". I have always been very creative and into the arts if you will. This has evolved over the years with periods of serious lacking. But non the less it is something I enjoy and always seek out in whatever means I can as it inspires and fulfills me. Starting Black Cat Designs was not something I took lightly. For those that may no me a bit more personally or who have picked up on these characteristics in my previous posts you'll know I, in my own way am a planner, a thinking, an analyzer. I like to really dig through research as well as my mind - pondering out d...
For those of you reading who may not follow me on my other social handles, you may not know that although being a full time stay at home mommy to the most amazing baby boy is of course my number one job and my pride and joy I also have another job ( and no it's not blogging )  For the past 10 months or so I have been working on my own business. It's definitely a lot more work then anyone would think or would lead you to believe. But as the saying goes: "Good things come to those who work hard!" Put in the time whenever you can, never stop dreaming, never stop trying and watch your visions come to life! I know that all sounded very cheesy and annoyingly over positive but at this point I need to think and be this way and I do mean it.  My business took a bit of a back seat for the past six months or so which was not something I planned for but was absolutely what I needed to do and I do not regret doing what I needed to do for my family and myself. I...

Fall foliage and clearing your mind to find peace

Oh fall, Your natural beauty is far too breath taking. Yesterday I went on a nice peaceful stroll ( See what I did there? ;)  ) at a local walking path. I knew that today it would be colder and raining on and off were I am , and although the rain doesn't bother me as I find it very peaceful and inviting I'm not too keen on getting my sons stroller/ carseat unnecessarily wet for his sake.  I had a lot of chores I needed to do, the mommy list that goes on for miles. But I decided to put those off for the day and get my son and I out of the house for some much needed fresh air. I know I've said it before and those of you that live or have stayed in a state that gets to experience all 4 seasons you know what I mean! It's just so beautiful! Pictures never honestly do it any justice but as you can see that didn't stop me from taking a few to keep as memories. I'm so glad that we got out yesterday to experience this and I really think it was...

Learning the importance of capturing memories

                                         Learning the importance of capturing memories....                             Last week my little family and I took our very first family photos! For us or really for me this is BIG but I'll get into that more later.. Fall is my favorite time of year. (Yes I know it's everyone's favorite time of year - But all trends aside it seriously is mine) For those of you who may not know me all that well as of yet I'm not a fan of summer ( I mean look at that snow white, Casper the friendly ghost looking complexion. ) I know that sounds crazy to pretty much everyone I have ever met but I just don't handle the heat well in any way, shape or form. Fall brings more then just the holiday season, changing leaves and pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. It also brings the crisp cool air and...

Blog <risk

This blog has been a great way for me to pour out my thoughts, the endless rabbit holes that my mind goes down. It brings me peace, joy and a sense of accomplishment. I know that probably sounds stupid because to most it's "just a blog". I'm not working for anyone and who knows if anyone will read it. But it's more then that to me, and I guess at the end of the day that is the only thing that matters. Although I do hope that others find this blog and follow it, share it with their friends, coworkers or Loved ones who could use whatever message is displayed. Because I for one follow people on certain social accounts that I've never met but feel as though on some level I know. I hope to be that for someone else some day because I know how much peace it brings me when I read or watch someone who I find is the three R's : Real, Raw, and Relatable . It's nice to be reminded that certain things you say, do, think or feel are things t...

Feeling thankful for the busyness of a full life!

When life is crazy it can be hard to find a moment to even breathe. But when we are able to find those moments where the world slows down for just a second, Where you find a moment of peace, it's important to take time to look at your life and all you've gone through. Look at where you were months, or years ago compared to now. Does it make you happy? How have you transformed during this time? Look at all you've learned and how far you've come! Life can be crazy! My life has and still is in a HUGE transitional faze at the moment. It's crazy to see how much has gone on mentally, physically and emotionally. How I've grown and changed, what I've learned so far. Each day is a new day and although some days it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders or I'm comming up short as a mother a daughter a partner or a friend. I know deep inside two truths - All good things come in time and All good things are work. But they are a labor of L...

To the mother who doesn't recognize herself in the mirror...

                                                                                                                                                 ( Part 1) To the mother who doesn't recognize herself in the mirror... This is an open letter to you. You are still you, I know that can be hard to believe or see right now with all that has changed but I promise there are more amazing changes to come. Some new, some old. You may not be the same as you were before but you are not lost. This time can be scary. You can feel as though you are a mere empty shell, unrecognizable in comparison to who you once were. You look in the...