This is only the beginning PART 1

This is only the beginning     PART 1

For those of you who have read some of my previous posts or who follow me on my other social handles ( located at the end of this article ) I have been working a lot on my very own small business.
And before I get asked this is not an MLM or otherwise owned/created this is a dream of my own and it's a one woman show with no one telling me what to make or how to "sell".

I have always been very creative and into the arts if you will. This has evolved over the years with periods of serious lacking. But non the less it is something I enjoy and always seek out in whatever means I can as it inspires and fulfills me.

Starting Black Cat Designs was not something I took lightly. For those that may no me a bit more personally or who have picked up on these characteristics in my previous posts you'll know I, in my own way am a planner, a thinking, an analyzer. I like to really dig through research as well as my mind - pondering out different possibilities outcomes, pro's and cons, etc.

Even I get annoyed with this part of myself from time to time and sometimes I get a little crazy ;) lol and go out on a whim but for the most part I do a lot behind the scenes before I do anything especially of this magnitude.

The drive, the passion the creativity is there but I spent a lot of time going back and forth with what I would need to invest in, 1 year, 3 year, 5 yr, etc type of plans and the list goes on.
I made my decision to go for it near the end of my pregnancy but didn't "officially" jump in head first until after my son was born and I had, had a bit of time to recover.

Even then I found myself running into some set backs.
I was still trying to get a grip on all of life's very recent changes:
*Being a new mom
*A stay at home full time mom
*And exciting the workforce that I had been in since I was a teenager

Continuing to try and find balance in my day to day life be it caring for my son, my breastfeeding journey, my hormones and body doing what they needed to do after going through pregnancy, a crazy birthing experience and now the aftermath of trying to get back to the new "norm"

On top of this I was blessed to be reunited with my mother to whom I had been separated from for nearly 4 years due to her being lost (A period of going AWOL) through mental illness (I've touched on this in a few other posts)
Upon being reconnected to her (something I had begun to think would never happen regardless of the hope that still burned in my heart)
It was understandably a very emotional time and still very much can be.
During this time I took on even more responsibility during a time when I was still trying to very much find a balance with all that life had already thrown at me.
My mother was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer  and I became her POA which takes a lot of my energy and time as well.

Even still I was trying my hardest to push through with this dream of my own small business not wanting to give it up.

As I have gotten older I have continued to learn that timing is crucial. And the universe has it's own way of sending you signs to help guide you in knowing when it's the right time etc.
Because I was already stretching myself so thin, working on over drive with , well everything. I kept encountering set backs, stresses the works.

I finally came to terms with what the universe was telling me "Now was the not the time" it didn't mean that I had to give up or admit defeat although it felt that way for a minute or two. It just meant that I needed to take care of myself and things on my plate more before I could continue to move forward.

So I took a very needed step back and break.
I focused on my number one which is my son.
Finding balance in his ever changing world full of leaps and growth spurts.
As many of you who may be mothers reading this you know this means, sleep schedules, food changes and schedules, new skills being worked on and learned , etc.
All the while trying to hold on to my sanity, enjoy these precious moments, and hopefully get a sip of my coffee while it was warm at least once or twice during the day lol.

I focused on my mother. Research, reaching out to groups to better understand her illness, her needs, and thinking ahead in terms of different forms of paper work and plans for possible outcomes as well as really deal with all the emotions that come with the many layers of a situation like this.

While also trying to deal with everything going on with myself, maintain my other relationships, and try and keep up with the house.

Now I of course am still working on all of these but I had to really take time and hone in on them, pick myself up over and over and really try to find my "sea legs".

At time it felt like there would never be a light at the end of the tunnel, never a second for "me" for my dreams, or to even take a much needed nap ( All my mama''s out there you know what I mean)

But time passed (When they say it goes by even quicker when you have kids they are not joking. I know how annoying that is to hear all the time and I hate to admit it but their right)

Time passed and a reasonable amount of balance came with it - Now don't get me wrong I am not saying I have my house in perfect order at all times and that my son has some crazy by the second schedule where he takes long naps and sleeps perfectly and early every night - quite the opposite BUT there is more balance then in the very early stages of  having a newborn.

And I'll admit I was still a little hesitant as I was very disappointing with how things ended up the last time and didn't want to try again just to feel like I was failing or having something not work out and yet again have to put it on the back burner.

I started looking into craft fairs etc to find places I could try and showcase my work, network and meet customers. I joined groups and started doing what I do - Research.
I found a few but they were either fully booked full of vendors or were hrs away.
I promised myself I would continue to look and when the right opportunity came I would go for it!
Well within that exact week a perfect opportunity literally just popped up!

A local boutique by the name of Eastcraeft run and owned by one heck of a boss babe was holding their very first event of it's kind.
The goal of the event was to help showcase 10 local crafters/vendors to further spread the movement of supporting small, local business.
Now supporting small business is something that has always been big for both my husband and myself that we try and do any chance that we get and now with starting my own that fire grew even bigger.

There was an application that had to be filled out and in case you missed it from the above this event would be featuring 10 vendors!
As nervous as I was to apply because of course the insure me ( aka 95% of my body)
was already trying to get the best of me. I filled it out nearly immediately upon seeing it.
I promised myself I wouldn't get my hopes up while in the same moment absolutely getting them ALL THE WAY UP. I had a moment of doubt  saying "how will you do this?" But I immediately  shut it out planning who I would borrow a table from, who I would have watch my son , how I would manage pumping in, etc.

I have always looked up to this boutique, the drive, how far it had come, the roots to the town, etc.
It seemed perfect with being so close to home making it that much easier for me as my first venture out. It didn't hurt that it was going to be in one of the cutest and most aesthetically pleasing boutiques either ;)

So while I waited to hear back I got started on my designs, sinking hours into playing around with new designs, ideas and where I wanted it to go.

I still remember the night I got the e-mail from Maggie.
I had literally just gotten in the door and set down our many bags of stuff from a full day out with my husband and son to visit my mom and I just about fainted.
Ok maybe that's being a bit dramatic - I def didn't faint BUT
I did re-read the e-mails several times, frozen in silence to be sure I was reading it correctly.
You know that moment of disbelief.

This was an amazing opportunity but it would come with a lot of work, something I already knew.
I knew when I applied that it would be the fire under my butt, the sign from the universe that the timing was right - and here it was :)

The excitement was all too much and my mind was on over drive.
I stayed up that night until 2:30 in the morning designing. I was full of energy, passion in drive.
Usually on days we visit my mom ( a drive that one way is just over an hr) I'm spent in every way possible but it was like life had handed me a double shot espresso!

(See part 2)

Find me on my socials to stay more connected:
Instagram: @ imstilljennyfromtheblock24 as well as @ black_cat_designs_207


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